Montag, 5. Februar 2007

Sirous Salimi-Nejad

Hereby we would like to inform you that Mr. Salami-Nejad was called up for important reason as the Managing Director of the MTI GmbH, according to decision of court at 05. Sept. 2006 and also may not enter the business premises any longer.

Mr. Salimi-Nejad may not transact any business still and any other business in the future, according to decision in the name of the MTI GmbH.

During the last time,Mr. Salimi-Nejad observed that here a Master-Dregree is used, which is false. This observation is confirmed after calling your editorial office.
Who gives you the right, to use a Masters Degree (Doctor)? Can you prove it with a official document? If not, please inform, if you intend to use this Masters-Degree in future. Even, if you use the titel as an pseudonym, you give a wrong impression and you are insulting people, which spent a lot of years in researching to earn thistitel by law.